Tuesday, December 27, 2005


have too many things in mind, too many things to do and such short time....

i din realise, it slipped my mind... i'm lost.

it juz scares me when i think of it.. maths sub paper, gp, chinese tests.. but i miss my school friends so much... i wan to be with them but yet, the curriculum expectations i need to hit...

not forgetting that i did not take my diploma paper as i was away... away in paradise...

loved timor, missed timor.... a dream come true on my last lunch there... the perfect setting. except tt there's too many flies.. ha...

i juz wan to be at the right place at the right time now. everything now is sooo messed up. to have tuition or not? to go or not to go? - serangoon or party, prayer meeting or home, where!!! where's the place i should be!!! what should i be doing now!!!!



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