Wednesday, November 29, 2006


i am sick and i'm feeling super uncomfortable now...

pray for me...


last night was one of the longest most painful nights i ever had. as if i was punished for something i did wrong.

i couldn't get a single wink of sleep for 5 hours cos of the body aches.

sleepless night, dreamless night.

my body ached so bad it felt as if i was running a 100km race and i've ran only 50km.
my lower back hurt so much, no matter how i twist and turn, it still ached.

what's worse is the thing we do so easily, PEEING! hahaha.. it's the most painful thing for me! and i have to drink lots of water which means toilet every 30 mins!!!! i controlled till i cannot cos to pee, it's soooo stinking pain! hahaha...

oh well.. thank God i'm feeling much better. though the headache is killing me slowly, since last night.. i hate this... get it almost once a yr, last yr, i had 2 weeks mc hahaha.. BUT I HAVE NO SCHOOL NOW!!! argh!

and i can barely hear, cos of my throat and all, causes my ear to be a lil deaf and plugged...

oh well, pray for me!


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