Wednesday, February 16, 2005

what God has done for me!!

haha.. these few weeks ever since all my problems began, live's been real hectic.. it's like a total mess man.. but God has been bringing me through situations and still guiding me on.. and i'm real happy to have Him in my life... =D

hmmm.. i cant think of all my problems now cos i juz woke up from my 4 hour sleep but i've been in the lion's den and juz like in the story, God shutted the lion's mouth and proteted daniel.

with all my laziness and procrastiniating, i'm also able to get through my days with no serious punishment or anything.. haha... i've escaped sooo many times.. hee.. =D also, MY shoe!! man.. i was praying like crazy last night hoping to find it today.. and i found it only in the afternoon when out of nowhere, aisha found it!! i was like looking all over the place!!! thank God!!

still got a lot more la... haha.. but i juz cant remember... and now, i need help for planning.. man... there's soo many things that i need to get planned out.. i'm not talking about school but more of my life.. i still dunnoe wad to do for the future; for these few days, for the coming years...

okok.. so i'm going to sleep soon after dinner... man.. i'm still very tired... my dad was like waking me up like crazy cos he's worried i cant go back to sleep!!! haha... but i'm still very tired la.. muz rest too.. tml i want to be refreshed and play our match!!


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