Monday, February 07, 2005

juz my thoughts.. (edited)

sometimes, i dunnoe why the wolrd has to be a sad and painful place to some. i feel pain for em.. maybe cos now, i'm also feeling sad and depressed.. ha... i'm like listening to mocking bird, and it kinda hit me... "why does eminem come out with songs about family all the time?" not juz family... but broken family.. i juz feel sad man.... nice songs but it juz hurts to know that there are pple out there living in a broken family.

i'll juz play this mocking bird song for a day cos it is a really nice yet sad song... has only one bad word in it though i initially thought there was none. ha... i dunnoe much about eminem, but i love my life and i treasure it. hope everyone of u do too...

after some thoughts, i kinda realise why i'm feeling down and a lil depressed.. ha... it's juz some problems that i have... guess it's cos i've not finish most of my homework and school's tml... also there's gonna be P.E... cant believe i'm dreading it! haha...
also, there's this little problem.. i guess i am disappointed with what i did which makes me sad.. i did this bad lil thing which is like soooo insignificant, and no one would ever know what i did... it's nothing that bad, but i dun like myself doing it. i juz got caught off... it's like till after i did that bad thing den i was like, i feel tt i've let all those i love down... God too... i feel sad.. maybe this depressing feeling i feel is cos i hope for an assurance from God tt he'll forgive me...
man.. school's tml.. it's both fun and not fun.. haiz.. also... pple may often say tt i'm like some really care free person always enjoying life and all.. haha.. not tt true la.. pamela like more carefree ar! haha... i juz seldom show my unhappyness ha... i'll juz play to make the day seem fun. and when it comes to blogging at night, iseal my probs inside here.. so tt it'll never come out! haha... such a silly thought.. haha....
k la.. i guess it's about time to turn in.. so nite nite!


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