Saturday, April 30, 2005

ACJC killed me..

ha... felt like some shield absorbing damage.. lol! but i had fun la. i'm proud of myself cos if i'm not wrong, i missed only 1 tackle. freakingly kena side stepped... so the other 6, 7 tackles quite ok. except i still need to go lower...

sianz... i cant walk.. as in REALLY cant walk. i sprained my ankle before the game... den i still managed to chiong first half. guess i cant play for a week... ar.... hafta get loads of rest.

sooo.. ya... the game was really exciting for me. and they are really fast, and i have to keep calling for drift. they really stack out damn fast! our players still in ruck or maul... haiyo....

so i din noe that i actually HAVE injuries till i was in the car. haha... i was like touching here and there den wah! swollen until like ok la.. not so big. should be stud kick one... according to my injuries experience haha...

and the funniest thing, i 'menstruated'! hahahahaha!! this AC guy which i found out was a china boy had a bleeding nose and during one of the rucks, he muz have knocked his head so hard, he mistook my WHITE shorts for tissue! man.... there was like this big blood stain on my butt area! and it's like wet and all... EEEEEE so disgusting! hahahahaha!!

man.. this game was defend all the way game but, fun la! haha... now i go out muz carry rugby ball, if not pple will think i fight... haiz...

time to tune in to carrie! nitez pple!


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