Monday, April 25, 2005

My God, is an AWESOME God!

haha... yea.. my God is an awesome God! i'm juz happy to have gone to church and NLT today, cos i learn a lot of things today.. ha..

juz realise something... being a christian is the same as being an SC... cos everyone's watching u.. guess wad the teachers say is correct.. but i've nvr felt tt way before.. i always felt that we are part of the school population, no different from the rest.. except tt maybe we have some leadership potentials..

but anyway, why it's the same, cos is like, maybe the world's juz being biased or maybe the school population juz wants to get the SCs... cos u always hear.. "see that christian do this wrong thing, that christian do tt...", but do u hear things like, "see tt budhist/hindu/other religion, he's doing tt thing wrong....."

anyway, i aint descriminating, but i'm saying, u christians out there, watch wad u're doing.. cos the whole world's watching U! yea... it goes for me too.. being an example is really difficult... but wad i've learnt, is tt the holy spirit changes us whole. so i've gotta be more devoted and pray more..

guess this is a wake up entry for me... so christians out there, watch wad u're doing k! =D

one more thing... i've juz gotta say this before i end up hurting anyone...
i'm single, but i'm not available...
till i have found the right one tt is.. =P


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