Sunday, June 12, 2005

Time to blog!!

okok.. haha.. i've juz finished watching naruto the movie.. man.. it rocks!!! hahahaha... i only got it for RM14!! ya! i miss naruto a lot! gonna learn how to use bit torrent and start downloading all the series!! haha....

after the show, i dropped by friendster.. haha... and there's like a testimonial tt made me feel sooo.... undescribable. hahahaha.... =D i dunnoe who is he la... but somehow he noes me... cool!

juz wanna say hi to jesmen! hahaha... tell me wad they say!! i very kpo!!! i want to noe!! hahaha... (skally all the bad things...)

but anyway, i juz wanna talk about the first few days la.. haha.. i like auntie ann's extended family... man, they are sooooooo cool!!!! haha.... extremely friendly and all... and i'm being fed with good food for the first 5 days. wah!! it's really unlimited supply of good food!! haha... i nvr felt hungry at all the first 5 days. haha.. there's juz sooo much food, i wont even get the chance to feel hungry haha....

and for not being able to eat much, i kenna say by dot dot dot tt i have girl's appeitite!! rar!!!! hahahaha.... during camp i eat a lot k!!! hahahahaha!!! u should've seen me eat lunch during camp! haha....

sooo... i got to meet benny and cyndi again. haha... like them a lot! they are like the nicest and cutest pple on earth man!!! especially cyndi. haha.. she and her daughter make them the cutest pair man... den benny kor kor is like a bear haha... very nice and friendly one...

haha.. i remember the night i learned to eat wasabe!! hahaha.. it was one of the coolest nite man... i will NVR forget it!! i loved it a lot!! i got to eat all kinds of japanese cuisines, den i tried eating wasabe cos i saw colleen eating it in like big lumps haha... so i tried... man... i nearly DIED!!! hahaha... i pratcied with small lumps which at first ran up my nose almost all the time. after tt, i learn to eat it in bigger lumps and was taught the technique of swallowing it. haha...

i know there was once where i managed to take a really BIG lump and felt nothing hahah.... den for the sake of entertainment, i decided to spread it over my tongue and let it be recorded down on colleen's cam. haha.. i tot i was able to swallow it without any pain, but somehow, i was wrong!! haha.... it was super pain!!! tears were like filling my eyes man... argh!!!! hot!!! hahahaha....

i still remember once when we were studying at leisure cove, den i decided to ask colleen go down play pool haha... tot she was joking when she said she din noe how to but.... it was true!! haha.. but at least we had loads of fun!! my sis, colleen, uncle david and i played one of the most exciting table soccer of all time!! haha.. it was sooo fun! at least everyone had fun la.. haha...

argh!!! my HP not with me!! haha.. i juz remembered something i recorded and would really love to hear it.. aww... too bad la.. nvm...

sooo ya... i think tt's like about it.. dunnoe if can get pics.... i'll try to steal them from somewhere la. hahaha....


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