Thursday, June 02, 2005

I like to move it, move it!

haha.. for those who have already watch madagascar, would know what my nick is all about haha...

ok tt show is a really nice and funny show but it's real short, 1hr 15mins... so it is up to u guys if u wanna go watch it. ha.. i loved the beach part hahaha.. was the funniest man... okok.. shall not spoil the fun for some of u..

sooo after the show, we walked around and shopped a lil.. i got a new shirt for myself haha.. at the same time, esther foong dared desmond to put on this really ah pek shirt!! hahahaha... den col lent him her specs and they video it.. haha..

after tt, headed down to movies section to rent movies hmmm... i feel like renting all the naruto discs thee and then go burn them!! haha... or maybe, i'll juz borrow the whole of kelvin's set and burn la.. gotta go download torrent so i can get the latest episodes of naruto..

we decided to head to col's house to watch forgotten... one movie which we rented..... let's skip the part about me "losing" my wallet haha...

okok.. forgotten's a real cool show.. quite erm.. thrilling.. cos it's a thriller... haha... a must watch!! man.. it's not tt scary but the actions are so sudden, we all freaked out man... haha...maybe except brian..

ok after tt show, we play a new version of heart attack. haha... at first i was losing cos i dunnoe wad is it all about but second round onwards, wuahahahaha!!! i was winning... man it was soo fun... haha... we decided to come up with a forfeit for it hahaha... it was to like erm.. wear a plastic bag on ur head, a goggle, and a straw in ur mouth and muz act as if u are ready for a swim haha...

i kinda lost my blog entry soo... erm... i'll juz continue briefly from here.. sorry for a boring entry.. haha...

ok... after everything, felt like staying over cos i had a hell lot of fun there... haha... so was checking wih the rest if they wanna stay over... so es called her dad.. haha.. (there was suppose to be her conversation in my blog but it was lost) it was quite funny la.. u noe, her dad.. haha.. cute guy haha...

so... ya.. she managed to convince her dad ya... so we stayed over, went home, grabbed some stuff den came back...

so after reaching back at col's house, i showered den watch CSI and animal planet. den after a while... we juz sat there and chat for like an hour half. haha.. we were like chatting about the past... YAs, YCs all... the likes and dislikes.., all the problems known and unknown... haha... soo.. ya.. enjoyed myself la..

ZzZzZzZzZzZz... went to sleep after tt...

to be continued...


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