Tuesday, October 18, 2005


After what juz hapenned,
Life is at it's lowest now...
fail me,
hate me,
do what ever u want,
i dun care...
my nightmare i had a few nights back are coming through...
first the written report,
den, 5 marks for physics...
it juz eems so real now...
sometimes i juz hate myself for being someone who forgives and forgets too fast. i am too good at not containing my bitterness. and now, i hate myself for tt. i now tt by the time i wake up tmr, the bitterness and anger i have then would 1/4 of what i'm feeling now.
i hate unappreciative, hypocritical people.
btw, i am not talking about shanaz.
i am soo filled with bitterness now, i cant sleep. i dun even feel like going to school tmr. dun wan to. have given up. but my mind would probably change by the time i wake up. i know myself too well.
anyway, it doesn't matter now. i've said my point. i've gotten into trouble and things are juz ridiculous.


Blogger sexquisiteprincess♄ said...

hey chimpanzeee!
don be disheaartened and upset. (:
its okies.
juz relax.
shit happens.
and u cant always blame urself.
it sometimes IS good to forvige and forget.
tho of coz u think ur not puttin in enough effort or wad not.
i wudnt noe wad U r goin thru.
but i tink.
its ok to forgive urself.
u can forget some things.
but bear in mind a few.
use em as ur drivin force and not as some discouragin memory.
u noes?
so relax.
it isnt the end of da world.
and im not sayin this as some cliche.
coz it realy isnt.
work harder.
try harder.
and give ur best effort!
im sure u can do it.
juz believe in urself.
have faith.
if u need any.
i haf faith in u!
c. arent i nice.
nows not da time. :X
don kill urself over sth u cant change.
wads done is done.
juz relax!
don take it out on urself!

1:04 AM


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