Sunday, October 29, 2006


haha... ok, i'll study ya! =)
it's not tt i'm giving up totally. i'm just bored of this "endless" routine. it's just boring me. i know there are much more to learn, but i'm bored of regoing through them to memorise them.

firstly, it's like, it's not tt i do not know, but it's a lot of details to remember, calculations to do. most of it, i've done it before, i know how to do, but due to lack of practice (which i hate) i stop doing it.

yea... secondly, most of it, i'll prolly not use in the future... kinda feel redundant. besides, i'll most prolly NEVER go into science or engineering courses because of maths... haha...

but yea, i'll do what i can ya, so like thx for the encouragement. =)


i tot today would be a nice day, i prayed for one. but it did not go too well, however, it wasn't a totally spoilt day either! hahaha, in fact, I LOVED THE NIGHT!

i tot we'd be able to have a family outingat east coast today, but my dad did not want to come, my mom, she prolly has housework to do and is just tired... not tt i did not try to find ways to grow close to them. but rather, it seems, they just have better things to do.

ANYWAY! i'm super touched by some of the testimonies at baptim @ east coast today.

I MEAN IT'S TRUE! KNOWING CHRIST IS TRUELY JOYFUL! man! i praise God for all of u. it's a new begginning for many and i'm happy for them, angels in heaven are rejoicing!!! =D

tot i'd get to play some touch rug there, but guess not.. we had such little time at east coast, worse of all, i had my finger injured due to a mis-catch. it's begginning to swell and bruise at the join... hurts man...

and at night, we had a WONDERFUL SERVICE AT EDGE TODAY! though it was a lil extended, but it was really funny, meaningful and just something that speaks to this generation. yep! =) God is just wonderful!

and also, i get to talk to desmond after so long. realised i've changed quite a bit, i dun have those usual stuff in which i'd ramble about. haha.. instead i felt a little stumped on what to talk about. oh well. i guess i have to thank God for providing me peace these days, therefore, lesser worries, lesser troubles, NOTHING TO RAMBLE ABOUT! =DDD


finally, i've been praying about things regarding my dad, just talking to God. i mean, what if my dad joins God early. yes, i'm worried for the family.

ok, i shant go into detail. but anyway, God sent uncle mike to answer all my questions.

but he began talking to me about he and his son, about being the first born, (his son, indirectly me) about what the bible states about the first born, the responsibilities his son has to take on, (or rather i have to take on) if he dies early or in other words, if my dad dies early.
and so, i thank God. cos i really needed answers.
i'm not cursing my dad or anything, but it's just possible tt he's hiding things from us. yea... it's just being the man you know, it's common. men do not really share much.
well, goodnight!


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