Sunday, December 10, 2006


bringing my friends to church is really exciting, but what's more exciting is if they won the lucky draw!!!! VIJAY! MAN! hahaha... there goes the xbox360 to a visitor... again!

haha.. wish i won something but oh well, what are the chances!! if my friend wins it, i'm so stinking excited and happy already! hahaha! it'll be soooo stinking more exciting if they accept christ!

i cant wait for kannan to come back and bring him to the edge again, even jeremy's asking for him. how nice! well... hope he's having a good time building a church in thailand! hahaha...

well... i got a lot of crap i want to blog about, but i'm lazy and u'd prolly be too lazy to read ha! so many things, like at the arcade, some really cool game machine which makes pple waste money like mad, but ah peks and moms are hooked on it. haha...

k la... shall go to bed already, i feel like dreaming!

need to finishing packing my room soon! it's a dump!


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