Tuesday, February 06, 2007


hmmm.. i realised something about me. i get bored of something too easily. hahaha...

i was just telling my mom about it randomly then i realised it today. now a days i'm not working in just one or 2 shops but round the island which makes work more interesting and it brings about that sense of discovery and exploration. like erm... work and learn new stuff.

like one day, i'd be working at a shop, the next day another, then the warehouse, the office, then back to another shop, then another time driving around sentosa delivering stocks yadda yadda. quite fun huh! if i can introduce adventure on my own to my work, i'd enjoy it. like the other day. hahaha... taking rides instead of the usual buses around. hahaha... enjoyed myself besides, i should make use of the staff prices!!! ha!!

neways, the musical fountain's closing soon. prolly end this month, i'd miss it - the place that i've had so much fun.

the ferry terminal, everything u visualise sentosa to be as a child would be gone. i'm planning to go back to do some photog just for memories.. hahaha...

i have this sentimental problem. my room's full of junk cos i cant bear throw anything which have the smallest, most slightest significance and meaning! HA!!!

k la... i need some sleep... i found out one more thing. nice emo chinese songs puts me to sleep. i dun listen to the lyrics though... it's just the tune hahahaha... well... night!


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