Wednesday, December 22, 2004


haha.. wad a nice christmas present from holland-bukit panjang grc. guess wad!? i dunnoe wad in the world i did but i got $150 for some outstanding leadership stuff. cool huh.. haha.. i think muz be e-club la.. win so many awards haha.. so looking forward to get it so i can buy clothes yeah!!

so today din do much. suppose to go out with min but i too lazy to call her cos i dunnoe which no. to call. den decided to go bugis to look for fishing lures but changed my mind.. decided that i'd stay home, play games and go cut hair. so i did cut my hair... soooo short haha... anyway, i did go climb stairs.. haha... very fast sia. like 2mins i climbed 20 storeys.. haha.. by 15th storey, i want to die liaoz.. haha muz go and practice le.. train every day so tt when i go back rugby training, i wont suffer. need to train cos i nvr exercise for half a month liaoz.. no stamina...

anyway, i would juz like to say something about my previous entry.. got to admit i was kinda too harsh.. i was juz very angry juz now.. full of hatred... now i ok le... siao siao qi~

ok... later den or tml den type about my trip. haha.... babye!


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