Friday, December 10, 2004

back liaoz!!

ok so i'm back from camp.. slept like 6 hrs!! from 3+pm to 9+pm. i really had lack of sleep ar... i like every night sleep damn late.... play play and play.. haha... soo let me think of wad has happened during camp...

hmmm.. my previous entry actually kind of got cut short, dunnoe why... it kinda had all the details of day one... but heck. i'll juz type wad i remember now.. haha... soooo i had a group for games and we had costa sands idol.. haha.. it was funny.. my group's skid was sooo damn imprompto it was quite dumb and the audience found it funny haha... we had to make use of these 3 words: ciabatta, fisticuffs and impedementa. haha.. funny words ya? but they all have meaning.. haha.. wondering wad they mean?? find out urself haha...

sooo.... i noticed this girl that kinda look like one of esther's friend, shuying. haha.. kinda got the jap look.. i think they look a like in terms of smile.. haha.. got the dimple too. haha... quite cute ar...

sooo... we had games the 3rd day. very fun... but injured me a lot! more than rugby trainings! wah kao!! my feet are all sore and i have cuts all over my leg and i got an aching neck! ok.. so min joined us for the games. i played one against her team. haha the cannoeing one.. that dumb girl sat on the cannoe the wrong way!!! haha.. she like nearly cannoe out to sea and had to be saved haha!! den there this game, erm.. captains ball using papaya. so dumb! haha.... one throw den piak! all smashed haha... we had erm... something like dodgeball but use shuttle cocks and rackets haha.. fun... den had this dig the deepest hole in the sand game. haha.. i got myself stuck in the hole cos i go in den bury myself for fun haha... den.... got this game like touch rugby. saula in charge so he kinda saw i had this rugby T. it was kinda cool. he gave me extra points if i tackled joshua. haha... den there's one game like scrum. haha. it was alled push ball.. there's this like damn big ball and u have to push it on the muddy ground.. haha fun.. we like bind and push.. haha.. we all fight against the big guys and we won somemore haha.. it was a damn tough fight.. that's why i am having a back ache now. haha...

so at night, saula kinda came over and chat with us about all his rugby experience.. and is like we have the same dream of starting a rugby club for our church. den maybe we can play in the league... but need a coach first la.... now it is juz an idea.. i'll keep in touch and hope that one day, there'll be a rugby team where we can bring pple to church through our club. cool huh? haha... cant wait...

overall, great camp.. i'm so sleepy, i cant think properly.. so tired.. so maybe if i remember anything, i'll update.. nite pple!


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