Thursday, February 17, 2005

home sweet home..

man.. i juz love home.. i am soo busy these days i dun have much time at home.. school sux! we've got to stay back till so late everyday.. or should i say i have to stay back till so late.. haiz...... i sooo tired, i juz sit at the comp or lie in bed and juz rest.. i really cant be bothered to push myself anymore to study or do my homework... or maybe it's juz cos i'm not motivated...

i really miss.... erm.. u noe.. those times... life's nice but there's no one to go through my pains and troubles with me.. ha... i am tired of my everyday life.. i wish for a change.. change in everything.. arh... i'm like sooo tired each and everyday and i've got task and stuff i've yet to complete.. haha.. i've got pple to face, things to do, stuff to work on... ar.... i'm feeling soo sick man...

anyway, had friendlies today.. both draw... played NYJC and SRJC... ok. i played the NY one.. and it was really cool and fun... i really cant stop playing man.. i can juz go on and on.. haha.. have always wanted to play SR, but nvr had the chance.. ha... i'd rather forfeit my NY game and play SR.. hee... ok.. so the only thing i'm proud of myself is that i aint scared of big guys no more... though pple still say i look scared.. haha.. let em say all they want. i noe how i feel! ha!! next time i juz have to bring him down to show them. man.. i was like running up at him. den i hit him and grabbed him den in my mind was like YEAH!!! SHIOK AR!!! next moment, *BAM!* his knee hit my eye.. and i say bye bye.. haha... (it rhymes..) kena knocked over.. man... he's like sooo round and big, i only felt his butt and could not reach my hands to lock.. ahould have juz grabbed wad ever i could and not let go.. maybe the impact of him hitting me, and me flying back would bring him down.. haha.. but no matter... i still hit him at full speed.. haha.. it feels good man!! but.. now i have a swollen eye.. ha.... and that headache from my nose injury is juz disturbing me now... ar.. feel like sleeping.. but chem assignment....

ok.. so got the ball back to do some practices, juz tossing around and reflecting by staring at the ball haha... now my new boots a a lil more seasoned and my foot did not hurt much today.. so.. ya.. i think i should go orh orh... i feeling hot all around my body.. haha.. best to sleep with aircon.. hee...


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