Sunday, March 20, 2005

SynerG!Z 2005!~

man!!! the Planet Shaker's concert was sooo cool!! it rocked man!! super radical!!! i regret not going on thursday and on saturday.. heard thursday's turn out was low.. man.. wad a demoralising turn out. but juz now, we had about 3000 pple! wooohaaa!!!

man.. i was like in the middle of the queue which is like soooo sad lor! i wanna be right in front! so of course i already plan to run in front when the concert begins wuahahahaha!!!

ok so the first song was always and forever. den i was like "jonathan, lets go!!" den jonathan was like

"dunnoe leh..."

"go lah!"

"err... ok lor" * i ran out* chiong ar!!! i went to look for all the VFC pple. tot they would be in front, but.... they were NOT!! argh!! disappointing. nvm at least they were at the sides.....

so i was like right in front and cos it was my first night, i din noe the actions and all.. i reached the front during the 'always and forever' song (which sounds soooooo like simple plan) and they were singing the pre-chorus part and everyone was doing tt super cool pointing action. man.... i'll nvr forget tt picture of that few girls in front of me, wearing the synergize shirt and doing tt really cool action. it was like an army of YOUTHS! GOD'S CHILDREN! man.. it was sooo cool... i'll nvr forget tt image of em... girls, u rock! they look like a super radical bunch.

anyway, i slowly moved to the side to join the rest. too bad, this year i cannot get the chance to be on their DVD, cos I WAS NOT IN FRONT!!!!!!!!!! argh!!!!!! hahahahaha.... nvm la.. i met up with the rest and i was like totally enjoying myself. wooohaaa!!!!! everyone was like jumping all about and after like 2 or 3 songs, everyone's like perspiring and all. we like soaked! hahah... it was TT cool! man.... it's too cool man... i should brought all the friends i could gather. argh!!!! i din do tt!! i'm always like tt! after enjoying myself like no one's business, den i think of my friends... haha.... but.. dunnoe if they'll go too la.. i really wish tt they'll go and enjoy themselves. NVM! JULY! i WILL REMEMBER!!!

ar..... i'm like so tired of all the jumping... man.. Singapore's most radical concert at D'Marquee. power!!!!!!! i love S.P.(Simple Plan) BUT! i rather spend $5 dollars on a P.S.(Planet Shakers) concert! wheee!!!!! Simple Plan rocks, but Planet Shakers RULEZ!!!!!!!!!!!!! i feel sorry for all those who couldn't make it.. haha... TOO BAD! hahahahaha...


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