Wednesday, April 13, 2005

a short day..


today's the longest day for us 04S3 students... cos after school, we had to go for some.. chem polymer workshop... BUT! it was fun!! ahahahaha!! (who ever said it was boring hee.. =D)

i love making the nylon threads. it's like soooooo fun!! haha... the unsaturated ethene molecules (i think) juz keeps joing up like some never ending until reagent runs out kind of thing. so fun! haha. i juz keep spinning in the nylon thread which is formed.. haha..

i also made this me to u bear. haha... it's soo nice like the original, it even has it's trademark mark on it. cool huh! everyone's like fighting for that mould haha...

let's see who's tt lucky person i feel like giving tt bear to.. =D

ok... i also made this winnie the pooh bear which is really cute but! cos i was a lil impatient, it ended up with my bear having pimples!!

*eee* i noe.. haha..

anyway, i had 2 bears in the end.. haha.. this is wad happened..

"hmmm.. lay kuen, ur bear very cute hor, but like mine liddat.. haha.."
*she place the bear on my hand*
"thanks ar!!"

"ok lor... thank you lor.."
innocent face, *smiles*

"huh??? u giving me ar?"

"ya lor, anyway, they look cuter together like a couple heh... =D"

"YAY!~ thanks ar!!"

haha... so now i have 2 winnie the pooh! cool! haha....

so after the whole thing, went to look for my new pair of shoes with my dad.. i've been eyeing this latest pair of Vans shoes... real nice.. but i've got this little problem... size 10 looks a lil big, while 9, is juz nice for my feet... so how?? which should i buy??

guys! tell me wad to do!! i dunnoe haha...

anyway, i am gonna go do my chem assignment. =D
readers, *gasps* hahaha!!

this is the second time i'm typing this entry cos of the stupid freaking lousy blog!! argH!!!
this entry, aint as good as my previous.. i was sooo damn satisfied with the previous one.. tried to make this as good as the first but.. i still think the first one was better.. argh!


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