Thursday, March 31, 2005

As i was blog hopping...

ok.. i have cooled down over the really frustrating stuff.. but anyway, i'd like to write about my opeless future..

haha.. as i was blog hopping (the term corrine always uses), i dropped by colleen's blog and i remembered something.. ha... yea.. my future look real dull.. no maths, no uni... haha...

anyway, yea. for the past 2 weeks.. i've been talking about wad job i'll do in future.. haha.. i've always wanted to be a marine biologist. but tt dream died quite long ago. suddenly, 2 sundays ago, dec and richardson were like talking about diving.. and tt interest suddenly juz came back to me! haha...

but think of it.. how successful could i be being a marine biologist in singapore when u cant even see ur hand under water.. haha... so.. yea... i've gotta go to other countries then.. but i cant bear leave singapore.. cos i love it here.. haha..

ok. so 3 weeks back, we SCs had a seminar at NUS. it was about urban development. some competition thingy tt, if our ideas are good, we get money. haha.. so.. first thing tt came to my mind was definitely east coast! haha.. the sea have become my interest and favourite place ever since i started fishing in pri 6.. i wanted a job tt had to do with the sea and me. navy was ever taken into consideration but again, nah... no freedom...

so.. the thing i really wanted to do was to setup a fishing shop at east coast. haha.. by the sea kind of thing but like... soon.. i felt tt it was too boring.

so finally, i came to the conclusion last sunday, haha.. me desmond and jonathan were like talking about it. cos declan was away diving soo i felt like talking about my future job by the sea.. haha...

my greatest dream is to be like u noe, in shows, those hawaiian 'pops' (that's wad they call the owner of the shop) i'd like to setup some kind of like fast food restaurant by the sea.. some kind of cafe.. those opened air types.. man... it's soo cool cos it's the sea and me.. den i'd sell nachos and all.. hotdogs?? haha.. i dunnoe la... juz these kind of stuff.. den i'l have those regular customers chatting with me and all.. i can go fishing day in day out, play in the sea.. ( tt's why i wanted to get an outfit tht i can go into the water with..) this is also why since young i've always asked my mom why cant we have the earth flooded so tt we have the sea all around our HDBs.. haha.. naive... but i love the sea... also, i wished technology din advance so fast... den it'll really feel like some kind of modern + olden days mix kind of feeling...

and tt's why final fantasy 10 rocks! i want to be IN their world cos it's all water filled! they swim all day.. play blitzball... ah... what a life...

this idea came to me 2 yrs ago as i was watching this chinese show honky serial, like thos mvp. it's called 'yuan wei den xia tian' i thinks this is the name la... too long ago... ah... man.. it's like a family, living by the beach den they own this cafe thingy selling drinks and all, u noe, liquor and stuff... so nice.. den the wind and the sun... aww.. sweet... i love it.. den u wear those comfortable light clothing.. ah... what a life... if i can start such a shop on a beautifl tropical island beach...

anyway, yeah.. wanted to suggest this for the competition but seems like we're not taking part.. sooo.. yea.. my future dream..


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