Tuesday, March 29, 2005


ok! i'm damn happy cos i have a testimony! at the same time, i'm damn pissed and mad! cos of someone. coward! want to fight feel free to find me! long time since i've been violent! anyway, back to why i'm happy!

ok thank God for this super wonderful day. ok. i fasted lunch and games today to pray for something. and thank God. my prayer came true at about 12+ in the morning when i recieved a msg telling me erm... erm... my prayer came true la! i cant say la.. cos quite bad... something wrong i did..

i was actually praying for forgiveness..

wanted to show God my sincerity and all and true enough. he came through for me! thank You!! God is good!

so anyway, ya.. juz after tt tremor, cos of a sumatrian earth quake, my prayer was heard. and i thank God... so i feel more relieved now.. damn! stupid things i do! arh! i'l not be naive and silly anymore. thanks...

so anyway, i can finally maple after fasting one whole day. since i cant sleep, i'll maple!! whee!! seeya pple!


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