Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Boring, Boredom, Bored, bore bore...

haha... i'm juz bored and i'm like sitting around waiting for carrie to go on air.. sooo bored..

*sticks out tongue*

okok.. so i was juz looking at this jar of beer on the table, haha.. tiger beer jar some more.. lol! hmmm. dunnoe how it got there, but it was cos i made a comment on 7-up and so my dad poured out one jar of beer.. ha!

7-up, too sweet! egh.. *sticks out toungue again* beer too bitter.

haha.. i'm like soo tempted to drink it off the jar, guess wad, i did!! haha...

beer isnt yummy,
so mix it with 7-up and...
u get shandy!

ahh... tastes better... though i stink of beer now..

does beer make ur tummy grow bigger?? *wonders* i think i feel mine expanding!? oh my oh my!!

crap! i feel gay now. i'm typing like a girl! aha! who cares i dun! i think it feel childish haha..

but seriously, i remember how i use to look at those older than me and think tt they're old. now tt i'm their age i dun feel any older, yet! i'm growing old. haha.. we were juz talking about this in BK. haha.. all of us feel young yet in 1 or 2 yr's time we'll be 20.. my oh my! haha.

can u believe it, i was still playing sicsor, paper, stone in BK and letting pple bet on me and atiqa's result haha..

she'll never win me! wuahahaha.. i look at parterns.. so i keep winning. most pple noe tt. my weakness, u rush me in sicsors paper stone and u'll win.. haha.. i got no time to think lol!

okok.. enough. stop here. carrie's coming on!


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