Tuesday, June 14, 2005

back... with a speech!

since kira say i nvr say anything, ok i shall haha....

wuahahahahahahaha!!! k la... i do miss the whole team la... the last tournament was a memorable one hahaha.. was the last time i got to spend time as a "team" hahaha...
btw guys, i dun think we'll be playing in lion red's carnival already cos..... MOST OF U DIN GIMME UR EMAIL AND IC!!!!! argh!!! see la! haiz... nvm.. haha.. still got next year... but i wun get to get their cool t-shirt!!! i'll try sending in the form on tuesday again, so DO go down for training tml!
okok... last night i kinda had lots of fun haha... i love sundays now! haha.. it's like the most fun day ha.... first was tt wonderful preacher... i love him man!! he's now my idol. now i wanna go for all church meetings possible so tt i'll keep the light of christ burning in me.
"I am an EVANGELIST!!"
haha... for those who remembered.. haha...
but anyway, david albritton is a super powerful man of God. people who go against him juz gets convicted at turns to jesus! isn't it wonderful!!! i was touched especially by the one about the muslim country.. i was super touched!! cos i guess it's been my passion since sec school to really love my muslim friends... and i wanna be a missionary most probably to indo... hehe.. tt's why i'm learning malay now...
man... as he got up to the truck and preach, he was stoned by everyone... and when he recovered, he got back on his feet and preach! fighting through persecution, his 5 week battle was victorious! AMEN! guess wad! 1.1 million muslims got saved!!!! man!!! i'd run up to everyone of them and give em a hug!!!! man... tears was about to fill my eyes when i heard it... i was sooo touched.... God is sooo Good!
man.... i want to be used by God juz like him... getting pple out of drugs, fighting for christ... he's ultimate man...
anyway, after service, i went down to lot 1 with some of the youths for dinner.. haha... after eating, we were suppose to make prank calls la, but in the end, we juz sat there and chat about the youth group's past haha.. all the conflicts, funny bgr stuff hahaha..... sooo funny man... i was reminded of soo many funny things tt happened in the past.. ESPECIALLY the boat A and boat B thing hahahahahahaha!!!! totally forgot about it man.... hahaha...
we really had lots of fun.. even joel was thankful he din take cab back haha... cool...
ya... anyway, woke up really late today, haha... slept about 3 last night trying to get things done after playing a bit of kingdom hearts haha.. so cool... i think i'm gonna love tt game.. but now's not the time to play it la...
sooo.. anyway, i'm gonna go out soon.. gonna get some rest... bb!


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