Friday, October 21, 2005


hmmm.. norah jones... love her songs... this song 'don't know why', kinda brings back lots of memories.. memories tt have probably died...

i remember the show i watched, 'marrying the mafia' ha... i loved tt show. it's nice.

sooo.. 'don't know why' i decided to go look for this song.. have been listening to it day and night. brings me nice thoughts... haha.. night, i turn on this song on my laptop and listen to it till i sleep, morning, i have it on my mp3 on repeat 1 mode and hear it over and over. ha...

hmmm.. it juz bring me nice memories and nice thoughts.. ya.. not of the past - that past. it's of things happening now, things i like, times i've enjoy, days i had fun.

listening to this song, spending my free time in school drawing.. i juz enjoy life now.. only if i did not have pw to worry about.. ha... juz realised i really enjoyed drawing.. haha...

think in future, i'd be an artist, living by the sea selling nachos! hahaha... dunnoe why, but i love handi art and drawing.. kinda makes me have tt sense of achievement.. hahaha...

okok... so like, i dunnoe wad to do now... probably play games, or write my speech for my oral presentation...



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