Thursday, June 15, 2006


MAN! i had a stinking good time at sentosa today!!! sooo rarely i feel this good going out and play.

man, the time at the beach was like the best la!! haha... playing soccer and likejumping into the water, throwing the girls in as well. stinking fun!!!

oh yes, and soccer, i din know i can play soccer. hahaha.. quite a bit, not too good but yea, somewhat.i cant steal the ball or what but i can sprint down the sides and i scored at least 1 or 2 goals today!! haha...

dinner was superb at cafe divine. woah!!! cabonara and pasta. oOo YUMMY! cheap and nice. i strongly recommend! pple interested to go, i am glad to bring u down! haha.. good food man..

then we walk down the streets round city hall area, esther tan was bringing us around. passed by this 3 for $10 shop, sooo cool la!! a lot of costume jewelries, and from there, it has given me many ideas to create my own!! haha.. more seashell necklace!!

den passed by bata. spent quite a bit of time there... i din want the day to end... i wished evryone was there though... it'll proly be more erm.... i dunnoe what word to fill.. heart warming? i felt good. it made me feel soo good. i loved my day. truly loved it.

back to the start...

haha... i was late today cos i was watching a documentary about mumba. and something really reminded me of tt documentary. cos of some indian nationals that cut our que when getting onto the bus. they just bumped into me which made me SOOOOO MAD! this is not mumba where trains are always jam packed! this is singapore!!! MAN! i just kept quiet though, inside i felt so mad, i just wanted to shove him off. like one family of fat men la...

oh well. it's their culture in india, cant blame them too la. but i hope they dun do this as there's no need for rushing, at least, DUN PUSH! so rude... i cant believe i'm still mad now... haiz... i dun want to get mad but thinking of how he just pushed me as if he owned the bus makes me sooo mad!!

ah.. ok, enough said, i just want to let u pple know, i had a great day! =)


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