Thursday, June 01, 2006


my last entry before i go to bed.

i just don't know how to describe what i feel inside.
it's simply beyond what words can say.
if only i could be there - there where you are,
i'd tell you all - all for what words can describe.
i can't help but feel this way.
turned away once and now turned back.
my neck never making up it's mind.
throughout this period of time, i just looked ahead.
i did not care what was on my left or my right.
but now, of all times, i realised.
by the start of a new term, it'll all change.
according to the paths you choose,
it'll determine it all.
it's now or never for me.
now? or never?
now? or never?
now? or never......
help me decide. cos i do not have the guts.

i dunnoe if i should be posting this. but my mind's in a mess. haha...
i'm too young to think so much. so i shant. everything's just a mystery it messes me...

k, i've gotta go to bed, i've got school tmr. now or never...


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