Thursday, June 22, 2006


hmmm... time flies by sooooo fast... it's almost already 4.

home's really boring, holiday's about to end. tmr i've got to work, and i am beginning to feel soo lost haha... collect uniform, badges everything, i think i'll get lost there but, oh well...

i wish the holiday was dragged one more week. just one more week. i want the last week to be spent travelling alone, again, tt is just my dream... cos i said i 'wished' haha...

many things i want to do, many things i want to think about as i walk around, somehow, i've got to find some way to earn more money, not to spend on stupid things but to help me with some things i've always wanted to do.

life is short, if i dun do it now, by the time i enter NS, it'll all be gone, by the time i come out, i'd be to mature to have all these immature ideas in which i want to fulfill.

i'll have new dreams, new aspirations, new things i want to fulfill. by then work, getting married, may probably be the things in mind. now, now's the only time i have to do things i want to do, and only at such an age can i realise them. unless i'm rich tt is.

if i am rich, i would have lived a life sooo full of things i can choose to do. but think of all the disadvantages, i guess if i was rich, i would not have such a bonded family, i would have career minded parents. i would be off fulfilling what i want to do like i see in most tv shows.

this is what i see in the future... career minded females... or those who wants to marry rich successful men, doctors, lawyers, buisnessmen. haha... become a tai tai after tt. i used to look down on them a lot, prolly i was just jealous. but oh well, i dunnoe if it'll be a happy life. hahaha... till the day comes i'll know.

i definitely want a happy future. but to me, being happy dun necessarily mean being successful. but i'll try! haha...

ok, i'm just bored and began thinking again.. haha...


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