Sunday, December 10, 2006


ok, so next week, lessons, 930 -1230 den work 1530-2200. WOOOOO!!! one day gone!! = no more comp games, = no more late nights = no more tired gabriel = NEW BEGINNING! exciting huh!

i wonder if i can actually cope, was worried, but now, when i think about the money i am gonna make and where i am gonna put the money into, i am really excited!!!

haha... ok, i shall not say where i am gonna put the money in first. hahaha... i typed it but deleted it. hahaha, cos i am afraid i cannot fulfil what i say. but i believe by faith this christmas would be a memorable one. =D

alright! just now on the lrt, the ah ma so cute hahaha... a family of 3 - ah ma, father, son. what happened was that the ah ma sat next to a man on a 2 seater. then a foreigner came, smile at the ah ma, ah ma smile back, den she squeezed and sat together and the 2-seater, became 3. hahaha! thank goodness, all 3 of them were skinny, which is prolly why the foreigner mistook the space for a seat or maybe, she just wanted to squeeze.

anyways! the ah ma seem to find it real funny, and the foreigner, realising everyone was staring at her, felt wierd. the ah ma, want to laugh, but cannot. so she kept holding back, HER FAMILY WAS OF NO HELP! the kept laughing at her, making her act of controlling even tougher! hahahahahaha!!! the sight of it, truly funny!!! hahahaha

den as i came out of the train and walked down the steps, this girl prolly in her early 20s was going down the stairs, she was reading an sms and she looked normal. den she took her eyes off her phone and like how pple go down a flight of stairs, "skipping" 2 steps at a time, she went down FLAPPING! i was like "BERFFFF-FFFFF-FFFFFF-BUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!"

HAHAHAHA!! ya she FLAPPED down the stairs like OMG!!! hahahahahaha!!!!

oh well. maybe she was acting cute. hahaha...

ok! i am soooo happy a man came to christ today. and suprisingly, i felt drawn to him as i met him earlier on on the way to church. so i decided to do the consolidation despite me on duty. ah... came to know about his life and stuff, and i praise God! i seem to be drawn to pple who do not have tt fatherly love... hahaha... like a recent friend who came to christ.. almost the same thing. and i just felt this love for him... ah... how wonderful.

gonna have sweet dreams tonight.

BIG DAY TMR!!!! wheeee!!!!


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