Sunday, July 01, 2007


the emotion i'm feeling now is sooooo overwhelming.

deep inside, hidden somewhere is a reservoir of thoughts and burden, once a while they surface, and this week, 2-3 of them just came up at one go. so many problems, so many burdens. i want to shut my ears. i dun wan to know. i want to hide, i want to run away!!!

NS is always one of the main contributors. haha.... less than 2 hours before i'll be at boon lay.. argh!

in there, they really can stress u, play with ur mind, MAKE U GO OUT OF UR MIND! i keep telling myself i can do this. yes i can. but i dun wan to. but, i guess i'm doing this to make the pple i love proud of me. i dun wan to be a failure anymore. but to strive for greater heights.... it's so tough.

worse part, this nvr ends, as a student, as a national service man, as a working adult, a parent, and it goes on...

i'm trying to survive, it's hard... but.... i'm trying. yes i am.

it makes me think of u more...


Blogger sexquisiteprincess♄ said...

hello chimpanzeeee! (:
so sorry to hear bout ur grandma. ):
take care okayy! be strongg! (:
she's in a good place. (:

i heard u called jl da other night.
and ya. i havent changed my number, but i dont recall gettin a msg from u.
u just take care okayyy! (:
u noe where to find me!
cheer up! (:
life's hard but da only way to get through it, is living it. (:
so live it!
u only have one life!

take care alrightt! (:

12:47 AM


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