Tuesday, December 28, 2004


i'm still sick!!! help!!! cos it hurts!! ar!! haha..... i din say but on saturday, diarrhea... hehe.. i din want to say cos i din noe how to spell and it's quit embarrassing.. hahahaha.... so ya.. today i woke up and when i decided to go back to sleep, my tummy!! ar!! so i ran to the toilet... styaed there for quite some time.. haha...

anyway, ytdy was my sis's bdae, and kelvin wished her happy b'dae, like for no reason ha! like my sis will noe u!! but thanks anyway.. den had bbq.. was playing with my cousins... haha... den most probably it's beacuse of raw food that i ate tt got me sick again.. dunnoe hu la.. but say medium rare can eat.... blah blah! haha... it was medium raw! ah!!!! haha.... man... my tummy hurts..

i think i have to stop already cos i need to visit my favourite hang out for today bYE!!!!!


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