Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Orientation day 2..

ha... yesterday, i slept like 8.45pm and guess wad? i woke up at 630 today!! ar!! confirm late for school la! suppose to reach like 6.45.. haha... so anyway, i left my house at 6.50... so late hor... haha.. but by the time i reched, they juz finished their biefing.. haha*phew*

ok.. so today was much much more fun than yesterday haha.. pple were more open today.. manage to connect more with my OG pple haha... so had treasure hunt today which was like the most fun one cos all very enthu but, cos of the damn rain, it was kinda canceled. haha.. anyway, MI dance was quite fun.. but i was really sleepy le... haha... den me and kira dance together cos no partner liaoz. den last part cos can get to hold ger than like chiong go find haha... but i went toilet.. tired too la...

oh ya!! i remember!! got 1 ger from my OG haha.. i saw her yesterday with a guy... dunnoe wad's up with the guy, but wad ever is up with them, muz come down hahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!! i noe LAME!!!!! (OG9!!) haha.... those from my school will noe why OG9 lol!!! so i was disturbing her haha.. nearly blurted out everything but heng ar.. nobody noe hahahahaha!!

hmmm... wad else happened... oh ya!! angel, esther foong and erm... her classmate? ya, they crash my school haha... so nice to see em in the morning.. haha.. but den esthwer and her fren left first cos they found it.... boring! haiz.. not tt bad la... angel stayed cos her STC frens all around.. and guess wad, i juz realise my fren and CHARLENE(blue and white haha... IJ colour..) are classmates cos they wore the same class T!! haha... so to whichever guy who wants to noe her, i can help!! haha.. but u also dun wan me to help la.. hahahaha.... get the gers help better... BUT! if u need my help, haha... find me find me... lol!

den erm.. i still cant find my jersey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! how???????????? sob sob... i so jealous pple got jersey i dun have... i want my jersey... it means sooo much to me.... hope next yr got nicer no. haiz... what else ar.... haha.. i remember le... got this ger who has a guy problem in my OG. haha.. but shant interfere with em hahaha.... guess it is settled le. haha.. in some really pai seh way. den she say tml like cannot face the guy. haha...

anyway, angel!!!!!!!! i want my MMC card!!! this guy, he has all the N-gage games!! and guess what!? he din payt a single cent cos they are downloaded!!! crap!!!!!!!! 1 game costs like $65!!! so ex!!! gonna get a 512mb card den fit in all the games. wuahahahahahahahaha!!!! gonna have to go buy first... hope i can get it cheap... should be cheap la.... haha....

anyway, i wanna go game before i get tired and dun have the chance to play games but before tt, i gotta pack my stuff for tml's mascot.. or else.. we wont have a mascot... kk so see u guys soon!


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