Friday, May 13, 2005

SnoreZ SnoreZ... Who's There!?

sleeping on a tree!!

hahaha! juz couldn't think of a title la.. haha... i'm feeling real sleepy now... but i've still got my PI, my chem and... i want to MAPLE!!!

haiz... the night juz flew by sooo fast... din catch joey, chase and all the other nice shows la.. too lazy.. hurhur....

oh... our rugby game has been post poned to tuesday.. ha.. i really cant wait... dunnoe if i'll make first team this time.. maybe not, but! i'm still looking forward to the game and hopefully play real hard! =D

man... we're in a bad shape, but that's real temporary. cos we're picking ourselves up. we can go to PJ not knowing whether we'll win but we'll look at them, put a smile on our faces and play this gentlemen's game with our WHOLE HEART!

be it win or lose. as long as the game is played according to game plan and with everything we have, we'll go far!

sad tt we've lost some of our best players.. LC, muthu's injured... johnny and vick aint doing too good cos of their ankles... mine aint fully recovered..

nonetheless, we're still gonna make it to the finals by hook or by crook!



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