Monday, May 09, 2005


yesterday i reached home quite late so i din update.. ha... yesterday i was with some of my church friends at mac. den we were like juz having some fun erm.... playing! hahahahaha!!!

soooo ya... was quite funny.. =P

hmmm... juz woke up.. and guess wad... ever since the SA game, i cant stop thinking rugby, dreaming rugby. last night, i saw myself scored 2 tries!! woot! haha.. juz a dream... can u believe it, the dream felt soooo real tt when i woke up, i tot i scored 2 tries during the SA game and i was grinning away in bed. hahahahahaha!!!

but after my past experience, i know i am not gonna go down so easily. i'm gonna pump my legs till i clear 1 22 of the field. muz imbune everything into my head now. so tt when i play, i'll get to perform...

today's suppose to be family day but.. it's raining sooo heavily.. especially with thunder... (my FAVOURITE!!) so i cant help but lay in bed more and force myself to sleep! hahaha... did a short lil prayer cos i want to enjoy family day. so i asked God to stop the rain.... guess it's slowing down now... hope by the time i reach church. it'll a ll be GONE!

kk.. shall do some other stuff now! bye!


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