Tuesday, May 03, 2005

there goes mayday...

there goes mayday for me.. burned it all away by sleeping! -the dumbest way.. -_-

i tot today was gonna be the nicest and bestest day by the sea, but guess not. my sista had tuition at 2.30 and so we had to head home early... man.. it's been a while since i heard one of my most favourite sound, the sound of the sea... so relaxing...

anyway, i juz hate life in singapore... cant wait to get away from here... go live some simple life...

ha.. on our way back, i made this silly comment abut being a roadsweeper by the beach and guess wad, i had an all-the-way-home carrier talk. haha.... all i wanted is a peaceful life... juz enjoy the earth God created while i'm on it.

feel like quiting school and go down to indo checking out tt place, learn their language and hopefully start a business there. wonder if rental there is low..

also, i've ever thought of juz marrying some rich girl ANY rich girl... i know it kinda seems low but i had it in mind. however, i'd rather marry a poor servant girl whom i love than a rich girl... cos i know myself. i cant live with someone i dun love. even how pretty or rich. it juz dun fit. if like it doesnt work out, i know i wouldnt go for a divorce, unless the girl asks for it. heh.. unless there's some rich girl whom i'd fall in love with hahaha... not fall for, but fall in love. and if she likes me tt is.

i cant wait for the end of may. (i know it's juz the start...) cos june 1st, i'll be leaving this country for a vacation up north. like i said, i cant wait to get away from here.. my mom wanted to bring me up johor today but, my dad figured that traffic would be too heavy considering tt tml's a work day. so come home.

and ya.. talking about burning my hol... actually, i wouldnt consider it burnt cos i think i wasnt able to wake as i was having a sweet dream.. it's about valentines day. but it's sad too... (that was when i woke up) it was me buying my final gift for my ex-love. it was something like whether i should buy flowers or this bear i promised her... ha... wierd... cant remember the whole thing. but i know that it had a great story line behind..

of all things, i saw GUNBOUND MIXED WITH MAPLE! hahahaha!!! it was wierd man.. u guys should have seen what i saw in my dream.

so ya.. it's like 10+ already i still feel tt the day barely passed... it's like within a blink of an eye, tml's coming in 2 hours time. my due GP assaignment which is not done, my PI whcih i still have no idea after my first was rejected and all my damn tests... school's gonna burn me out man..


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