Wednesday, May 11, 2005


1 word... no explanation needed.
i'm disappointed cos we totally did not play like our other games... best part tt really pissed me off, everyone's giving up. erm.. sorry to bring this up again. i juz want to be reminded of this in my blog. i have already forgiven all u guys k! =)
seriously speaking, i've never ever been disappointed in the other games we lost. u guys may cry, but i'm still smiling. cos i know u guys did ur best. u cry cos of the passion u have for winning.
but today,i looked at the game during the first half and DAMN! i was sooo sad... not cos they score a try but because u guys are not playing ur hearts out like the previous games. it was a damn selfish game. look at sadiq! for an outcenter, he's too clean. why? no one passes the ball to him. or better, the backs din even have the chance to attack! can tell sadiq's dying to win.. (dun be sad k! i'll do my best playing by ur side! u are a good player.)
the only chance i had was the one where the ball was knocked forward by opposition... once again, i took 2 or 3 guys.. too fast to remember. and i pumped my legs!! =D but i was flinged down... actually i saw my support! but CJ guys were hitting me from behind! could not pass.. but clearing was soo fast!! haha!!! nice clearing! i think was sadiq or navin. some skinny guy hehe...
anyway, i'll juz forget wad happened. but i'm going to play with my whole heart. actually i have been. even for this game, but i din dare to put up my hand cos i only attacked once. no need for me to defend too.. never reached my side... unless i played blind..
haiz... i'm like MI's no. one supporter. always there, always happy to see em play. win lose, i am happy cos we played as a team... but today, i cant believe some of us gave up.i only got angry when i heard those words. before tt, i was juz unhappy with the teamwork..
but guys, all of u haven lost ur team. cos i'm still here and part of the team! no matter wad, i'll play like never before. i assure u guys, remember. i'm the support player, or the guy who most probably would score a try, a finisher. so i'm there for a reason. the credit goes to the rest of the team. cos if i din do my job and score, it's me to be blamed. same for all the pther finishers... the playmaker's to do their job in helping finishers score tries. so dun work overtime. do your job and sadiq and kira and all the other finishers will do their jobs. i've seen them do it. =D
heads up! i'm still looking forward to PJ's game! so lets do our best k! actually, tt damn referree was at fault too! argh!! major time waster! and max sooo damn got away scott free with a major blow (from a punch) to one of CJ's poor frontline guy... he bled man! dun do it again! gentlemen, not hooligans!
hope i din offend anyone k.. i dun mean it.. i love all u guys. really, (no matter how much *IF* anyone hates me or wad.) so lets play like we did for the past few games. win, lose. juz play like the past games k! i'll still be smiling as long as u play as a team. =)
forgot to say! ah wei!! B.E.A.U.T.I.F.U.L tackles! i was sooo damn proud of those tackles man!! major encourager for me!


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