Tuesday, June 14, 2005


dunnoe how express wad i feel inside... maybe it's juz one word, guilt...

i heard my mom and dad talking, and most probably, about me. i noe i'm not studying and yet, i dun wan to do anything about it... anyway, i had juz drawn up some plans and all... gonna stick to it... make my mom worry less... i noe she loves me a lot...

so... i juz came back from watching mr & mrs smith, which was quite nice EXCEPT, the part where the fought like an army of like erm... swat. haha... the like killed everyone without getting hit. how hard is it to aim i wonder...

anyways, i'm feeling sleepy almost like the whole day and i'm like giving off heat haha... my body's like burning up.. as if i'm gonna have fever...

hmmm.... really dunnoe wad to write la.. haha.., i'm in my dreamy state juz thinking about lots of things.... how lame and cold i can be haha... i juz have too many things in mind now, wanna take a lil drink and go to bed.... hopefully, i get to wake up early tml and maple... if not, i'll juz do my devotions...

somehow, i'd rather study the bible than my textbooks.. haha... but i know i am gonna get through this year somehow... pple out there, pray for me k.....

nitez pple.... have a good rest...


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