Friday, June 17, 2005


argh!!! today had to relive my nightmare haha.. eating WASABE!!! haha.. i did not hate it till today cos it hurt my tummy sooo badly... but i dunnoe la, maybe is ET pray or the lemon tea, but i was feeling a lot better by the time we reached bukit batok. before tt, i was suffering with on and off pains which are like super uncomfortable, feel like vomiting but cannot haha...

anyway, it was my fault to participate in it haha... thought i had enough practice... guess not hahahaha!! man... i practiced like crazy in malaysia lor... but it was in bits, this time, one whole spoon! not really whole la haha... i juz swallowed everything! hahahaha!!! nearly choked. haha..

ok.... gotta tell u about today's service!!! it was super radical la!! the band was on fire man!!! super rock! hahaha.. 2 electric guits instead of the semi aquostic. woohoo!! God's anointing was on the whole place man!! bet the visitors were shocked! rock music in church!? hahaha.. pple always thought we go for hyms.. no man.. haha... tt's more to catholic side. not saying they not cool la. haha.. they have a pope, we dont.... haha...

sooo ya... had loads of fun man... did my best to invite everyone on msn la! but haiz hahaha.. nvm, even though like quite demoralizing, i'll still try to invite as many pple as possible!! woohoo!

okok... am really tired already.. one whole day of winning souls, though i din do much... tml muz work hard already! i wanna win souls too!!!! a bit lazy today la haha.. sleepy and all... kk... so goodnite pple!


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