Sunday, August 28, 2005


this is something i have to blog down. i really feel sooo convicted. it's 3 am on a sunday morning. and can u believe it? i am still or rather was still playing games. i stopped. y?

2 weeks ago, (the week i brought kannan, enos and gracie to edge. the rest of u were either having mother daughter session or excursion or juz decided not to come) jeremy seaward preached about temptation. (right kannan?) so to cut a long story short, at the end of the service we were asked to write down on a small piece of paper wad is our bad habits in which we need to get rid.

as i was playing my games, i decided to take out my bible to read while waiting for mushmom to spawn. juz after mushom spawned, i killed it and continued playing. suddenly, this little note, flew out from like no where, in between my legs. i thought it was a bee or something. guess not. i thought to myself, "where did this piece of paper come from??" so i slowly opened it up....

first thing that came to my mind, "muz be some note from ec which i left lying around..." as i opened..............

it wrote:
to play games non-stop...
as i read it, it freaked me out. i realise that it muz have flew out from the bible. (cos i placed it in there) the spirit of the Lord juz came pouring down and it filled me sooo much, i felt so convicted tears juz came out my eyes....
i sat there, staring at the paper telling God, "Lord, thank you! THANK YOU JESUS!!!"
thanks to jason too... if he did not gimme the paper, i would not have written it down. to u too kannan. hope u did not misplace tt piece of paper... take it out, remind urself of ur temptation.
thank you Jesus.... i'm sorry....
guess, i'd better be going to bed... juz felt that after what happened, i had to blog it down. to tell u, God's real and he loves each and every one of us. at the same time, the devil's real and he's or rather it's here to destroy our lives! the reason why thank God is because, i was sooo touched. i know he loves me by protecting me from the works of the devil. it's really a miracle to how the paper flew in between my legs... i did not even see it fly out... best part, the bible's juz next to my laptop. i definitely could have seen it come out...
yea... nitez...


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