Thursday, August 18, 2005

from then till now...

ok, since the last entry, quite a lot of things happened, aint gonna elaborate on all of them but i juz feel like blogging down some of the important ones. ya.. haha...

sooo.. remember my previous entry? yea... tt nite i was kinda lost man. haha.. juz wanted someone to chat with lighten my night haha.. kinda chatted with gracie. since she had her probs and i had mine, why not? ha... so ya... it soon became a casual chat and to cut things short, i came up with a song while stoning over the phone. haha.. it's like some sort of poem but it's sooo cool la. haha.. too bad i've forgotton how i sang it, but i still remembered how i played it haha...

den the next day was es birthday!!!
had training tt evening. am quite satisfied with it haha... after all the crouching together with the computer chiar, pretending to be in a scrum, asking my sis to roll the ball and me hooking it, i've finally improved!! a bit... hahahaha... not bad la. juz need more experience. yea. had fun during tt training la. enjoyed it though i got screwed quite a bit.
soon later i had to leave cos we're gonna drop by es place and i thought i had to bring my fried chicken down. thanks to auntie anne, i dun need to travel home.. yea... THANKS A LOT! (though she might not read this haha..) had a nice time there except tt i was very tired.
by the time things ended, i reached home bam! i fell onto bed and sleep... haha.. slept a lot but until this morning i was still very very tired.. i dunnoe why... like lack oxygen. the body's juz shaking cos it feels weak... ya.. light shivers when i woke up, carry my bag and all.... but after a while will ok la. juz initially.
so am back home early cos i signed out. cant carry on in school. too tired and feeling very uncomfortable. slept through chinese, (i love my chinese teacher. =P) my break, and slept a little during physics, cos i wanted to listen. but no matter how hard i tried, i felt like dying...
anyway, am going to sleep now. feeling goggy after typing this. like eye pain and head like going to have headache. so i'll write about my stupid signing out prob if i have the time later and if i still feel like talking about it.
kk... snorez...


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