Saturday, August 13, 2005

overcomed! --- can't believe i did it!

since young, i've always had the phobia of anything that's piercing, extreme pain and all.. ha... i have never in my life dared pierce myself or anything and i can't believe i did it la!!

i guess i was motivated by care and concern or i'd never and i mean never in my life donate blood. i have to admit, i was pretty scared of the needle... it was.... and i mean IT WAS, super BIG!!!

but it din hurt la.. so stupid. i was like so scared. but still, the effects of my phobia were still eminent. i could not clench my fist properly.. it was all soft haha... but it was a great experience. am gonna do it again if i have the chance!! haha.. not scared of it already.

thanks for those who stood by me haha... made the experience a nice one ya. haha... the numbing jab is pain! quite contridicting ya, haha.. numbing, pain. haha...

anyway, wad happened was tt liana's dad, he met with an accident. he needs a lot and i really mean A LOT of blood for these 1 or 2 weeks. quite a few bags a day. and she needs donors to provide blood for her dad.... it's really sad la...

i was praying that things would be fine when i first heard the news from miss lee... went to ah wei to tell him about the blood donating thing. so we went together with kira and the other girls. after donating blood, i remember going up to see her dad. he's in the ICU. i remembered when i first saw him, my heart broke... yea... it really hurt.. he's unconcious, tubes all over.... my eyes were wet, but i din want to show pple the soft side of me.. ha...

but yea... all u pple out there, do spend time on her behalf to pray for her dad ya. i'd be constantly praying till i hear good news. i'm gonna believe God in a miracle. =D

liana, u may not read this but aku mau bilang awak, saya dan yesus cinta kamu ya? kamu tak takult. kau bapa suda baik, aku TAHU yesus boleh erm.... heal kamu bapa ok! (spelling and meaning might not be too accurate. haha.. wrote it in malay cos it's quite embarrassing to say it in english, like it's wierd to show my concern in english ya? haha... i feel wierd)

anyway, God is good. soo ya... take care girl...

haha.. oh ya! i nearly died during training hahaha.. really no strenght. lols!


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