Tuesday, August 09, 2005

my "expedition"

could not stand my day if i just wasted it away. was craving to be out in the sun. man... craving for vitamin E hahaha... i could not stand it so i got my bike out and decided to go explore the part of zhenghua park i've never seen.

an account of my "expedition"

on my way down to zhenghua park, which was about a kilometer away, i passed by these group of pple getting ready to fly their remote planes. sooo cool! i also want to buy one and play. haha.. soon i reached the park and that's where all the pain started ha...

thankfully i know how to make full use of my gears (and i only had 3 pathetic gears which was kinda good enough la..) so climbing those super steep slopes wasn't too much of a problem at the start. there were soo many slopes but it was ok la.. the path was made of gravel the type our cars go on, so it was kinda smooth.

the nice part was after i cleared the park and entered the forested area. wow... can hear the sounds of all kinds of birds and all.. as i moved on i saw squirels, little rodents haha.. was cool. i remember tt i was stumped for a moment when i reached a dead end. thankfully i remembered a detour and took it so i can continue and go further than i last went.

soon i reached dairy farm road, the place i've never crossed over, i remembered tt there was a path down but i reached a dead end. so i turned my head, determined to look for an alternative route and i saw one hidden, covered by thick grass. so i went on ahead.

it's like playing final fantasy. things start off easy and understandable. but later the routes become harder to see, the grass's much thicker, so thick it gets ur foot cut. the path becomes very very very rocky, i bumped all over the place and my hands really hurt, they're blistered now. slopes become super steep. i was determined not to fall off so i pushed super hard going extremely slowly up the slope. was really painful on my hands legs and lower back. it's like slope + bumps... wah... difficult but when i reached the top without falling, i feel tt sense of achievement. also, u get to see more different "monsters" on the way. those of "higher level" haha.. rpg gamers would get me. i saw from little lizards to big monitor lizards to VERY BIG monitor lizards haha...

i remember passing by little "rivers" the water was clear and very beautiful. there were little fishes in them... was nice.. the water was sooo clear... it looked like drinking water... i soon met a family lost. they were asking me which is the fastest way out, but i really did not know cos firstly, i dunnoe where i was, secondly, from where i came, it was quite far. haha.. but as i cycled on, i realised tt i led them the wrong way... the way i led them was never ending... haha..

i continued the way i led them. i was tired, i was telling myself to turn back but, i couldn't. i haven reach a dead end and i was reluctant as i have come so far. i knew that i might not have enough energy to go back but i told myself tt i wanted to see wad's ahead. i went on non-stop..

finally, i reached a dead end. it's stairs up. and i thought it's not for cyclist to continue on. the trees above looked more dense and i thought my bike wouldnt survive there. i turned back thinking if i missed a detour, but i guess i was too tired. i went on for more than an hour continuosly.

i met someone moving the same direction so i asked if he knew where i was. i was near the summit of....... bukit timah hill!!! wow!! that's pretty far!! he told me tt if i continued on up the stairs, it'll curve down hill to the foot of bukit timah hill.

anyway, the time taken to go back was half going up!! woot!! (now i noe i can go further next time) the reason being that i have gone up sooo many slopes, it's time to go down! haha.. i remember going soooo fast, i can see and hear monitor lizards scattering all over the place!! haha.. it was sooo fast cos the slopes i climbed were super steep!! slopes i've never managed to climb before. haha... now i can =P hahaha...

it was soo bumpy, it hurt my hand even more.. but all i care was to go back. i was dehydrating real badly. my shirt's all soaked in my perspiration, my clothes covered in mud. the muddy roads kept me going at gear 2 only.. was slowing me down greatly and gear 3 was too difficult to peddle on the mud...

anyway, on the way back, an ang moh cyclist caught up with me and he went ahead. all the slopes we climbed looked cool haha.. we were like synchronized in our gear changing haha.. looked cool. even the slope which used to say "pls get off your bike and push", he was able to climb it. so i tried. haha.. i did it!! i remember the last time i fell off and rolled down. *ouch* i guess last time i did not know how to use my gear.

soo. it was great la. din waste my day. once i reached greenridge shopping center, i ran up to 7-11 to get a drink was dying... haha.. den slowly cycle home 3 blocks away.. was all in mud.. had pple staring at me.. haha.. about 2 hrs all in all.. yea.. time to rest... my hand hurts and my legs ache... my bike needs cleaning and servicing.. haha..

i'm gonna do it again!!


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