Thursday, August 04, 2005

ah.. nice day.. finally.

haha.. so cool.. miss lee has kinda stopped the persuit of files. guess it's my responsibility to finish it up and hand it in by friday. haha... had this song in my mind today and was changing the lyrics and all haha.. fun.

my day circled around this song 'top of the world' haha.. singing and bouncing to it during physics. mrs kuek tot i was very happy hahah.. maybe not very la.. juz happy but feel like being cheerful ya. hahaha... it's fun when everything's cheerful, training, class, everything!! hahaha..

loved training man! especially the 1v1 tackling. woot!! soo fun la!! run and hit! *BAM!* WOOHOOO!!! wanna do it again. cant wait for M1 10s!!! i'm super excited!! got my tracking more or less improved la, now is to test it in the field. ya. haha.. cant wait la!!!

soo ya... today's fun. tt's all. haha... i noe, boring entry as usual... nothing much nice to blog la. as much as i want to know how ur day is going, i'd like to let everyone noe how mine's going haha...

back to work! cya!!


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