Sunday, July 31, 2005

A little story

there's something tt i juz wanna share... juz a little story... yea... it's about a female, a women, a mother. dun everybody agree with me tt almost every mother really love their children no matter wad? y?? it juz makes me think, why do mothers love us so much?? sometimes even more than our fathers. is it because they've got to spend 9 months more with us than anyone else? it's special, something unique tt God made each and almost every mother this way.

many a times we've watched movies where a child is gonna perform or go for a competition, and they really wished tt their parents could be there to see them.. but some how or rather, their parents cant make it maybe cos they're working, or maybe they're overseas... how about both?

it's sad... for both mother and child... especially when the father is gone... i'm not too sure wad happened but my maid, she's been working for us for probably 4 yrs... for these 4 yrs, she's seen me and my sis grow up but not her own children... she's got to bring home money for her family. through this period of time, i guess her husband left her.. men... we're so useless.. right now, ivan lim's words are running through my head.

tt day when i was late, i had a really long chat with ivan lim... cut things short, he ended with this for me to ponder on...
"Do you know why women are more successful than men?
it's because they are responsible. ... ... ..."
yea... it's a suprise but my maid's daughter is somehow a champion in karate in the regions of java, batam, jarkarta and a few others. she's travelling round the country and participiating in competitions. but every single time, she's the only one up there to recieve her medal... the runner ups would have their parents celebrating with them while the champion, she just falls back to a corner and then disappear into the hallway with her coach, friends and sponsors...
as she told me how disappointed she was, she was looking out the balcony. the light which came in from outside lit her watery eyes... and it kinda made me feel sad for her, but i dunnoe wad to do or wad to say.. she placed the food on the table and went back to her room where she's constantly typing overseas sms to cheer her daughter on... i believe every single sms went to her daughter with a tear drop... how much she loves her daughter and really wants to be there but because of the poverty she and her family faces, she cant be with her family.... the only way to show love now, is to provide the family with money...
i know tt her daughter's working hard to make her mother proud. training hard everyday thinking of her mom, and every time she compete's her mother becomes her base of confidence.
there's just this little part in every female tt makes them special to me. like i've said before, no matter how strong, how hard hearted any female will be, there's always this small little part of them tt makes em really "fragile" to me tt is. they're special, unique, and they love being loved, be it family members or boyfriends. men, have let them down many a times, and sometimes, they let us men down but beacause of this special thing in them, i realise, many females are repentful and sincere about it. they are loving creatures tt God created. they suffer the most, but they make every human life complete.
so to u guys out there, treasure ur girls ya... but most of all, love ur Mothers. they are the ones tt has gone through the most pain of giving birth to u while all ur dad could do was to push her on, care for u while our dad's are working, worry for our futures when all our dad could say "just do your best." they may put in extra effort to nag at us but they love us all more than anything on this earth...
thank God for women, thank God for mothers....


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