Sunday, August 07, 2005

past memories... =D

Now that i had a whole day to just bum around, i kind of had some time to think about my past... haha... it's quite nice la.. all the wierd things i think about... prepare for a super long entry..

i remember once, my mom brought me to the museum. i don't know exactly why, but i remember i dressed up as a malay boy den together with some other children, we did a short skid in the museum. it was a last minute thing. we were like holding the scripts and all. i was only in kindergarten or pri school.. very very young.. probably kindergarten..

halfway through the skid, a young lady announced around "kids! finish up and go outside for your Macdonald's!!" i was like "yay!! mommy, mommy! got Macdonald's!!"

my mom was like "huh?? got meh? who tell you son?" den i was like "go out and see lor!!"

so there was macdonald's outside. my mom happily queued and got me an apple pie. (it's free btw.) i happily ate it too.. all the other kids around were enjoying too! after i was halfway through, that lady came up to my mom, and den she suddenly said "hi ma'am, actually these food are for the orphans from XX orpanage.." (forgot the name so use X haha..) my mom was like shocked!! quite embarrassing la.. even i, at that young little age felt embarrassed.. haha...

while i was finishing up my apple pie, i could hear my mom talking to the lady "my son told me......." haha..i felt real bad. y mom even offered to pay them, but they said that it's ok. they had extras anyway.

as we were leaving, i remembered she offered me an ice cream. but i was too shy to take it. so i just rejected the offer... haha... thinking about it really made me laugh a little... also.. i remember how much my mom used to pamper me... she loved me a lot.. i was like always hiding behind her.. little boy... my mom used to be soo loving... not that she doesn't love me and my sis now la... tt time i was like the only child...

den there's this one time where me and my neighbour, best friend were at my house raking up all the video tapes from a cupoard looking for cartoons. suddenly we chanced upon this tape... my parent's wedding video...
my older cousins were sooo young... i remember watching it... from the morning visit to the dinner at night. i recognized quite a lot of things.. they are still in my house now and they're propably antiques already. one's the mirror which was a wedding gift i think. gold plated. now it's old and rusted, and it's in my house balcony now. there's this other large flower vase in the video which i kinda broke it while skate boarding at home about 3 yrs ago..
it was a beautiful vase which during every chinese new year, my mom would fill it up with flowers...
i remember how me and kok yah juz sat there and watch it. and it became kok yah's favourite video at my place. he'd come by and juz start watching it..
remember the last time when u felt u were old enough to handle an electronic device and you'd beg ur mom to buy u one??
last time, we had this electronic diary. it serves as a calculator, note book, telephone and address book, calendar and a few more functions. it was very popular during my young days.. my mom had these really cool one and i wanted one as well..
somehow she manage to get one for free and gave it to me.. and till now, it's still with me. found it while digging my stuff looking for some things.
also girls, they like to keep those fancy erasers, i had one too.. it's more than 10 yrs old and it looks like it's 2 yr old. haha... i kept it. it was a gift from someone. and i liked it a lot! i did not use it. it's like somekind of lunch box. i'd open and take the food shaped erasers out and put them back in haha...
i think tt's enough for now... it's a long entry i know. haha... bet most of u wont read it all, but its kinda more for me to read... hope blogspot doesn't juz disappear cos i definitely want to print out my whole blog and make a book out of it.. haha..


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