Tuesday, August 16, 2005

hmmm... read.

egoistic teacher but stinking funny!

Pre-Assignment Note:
By now, you would have heard the news that I am not around for lessons today. For many all of you, I am sure this is a great tragedy since you adore the subject and me, even more. Therefore, to comfort you in your period/s of loneliness, this assignment is a balm for any GP withdrawal symptoms you might will suffer from. As you proceed with this, try not to miss me too much because it is only natural that you will miss me more than i miss you. Alright, before we start making each other puke, you better begin with your work.

Mr Fong
hmmm.. ok.. am back home. dunnoe wad title to fit in. ha... have decided to stop blogging about my days cos i felt tt it was a really boring routine. but now, i've decided to put in this entry (which will be one of the few entries) tt will talk about wad happened today. haha..

not a short day DEFINITELY! was real tired on the morning, body pains, uncomfortableness... probably from the donation. slept at 10.30 the night before and i cant even wake up at 6.30am... -_- haha...

anyway, had training at the end of the day... after training began, i forgot about my fatigue. haha.. had fun and definitely am honoured to play the game.

today i was placed into a new position. hooker. cool ya. am real proud and honoured. though i DO love playing wing, i'd love playing as a forward! it gives me the "power" to work harder, i get to do more thinking and all.. especially as a hooker. calls and all.. i definitely am gonna work SUPER hard to play it.

did quite a lot of good hits and runs BUT, i also did many many lousy things especally drop balls! thought i have gotten over it but ya.. came back to me again. maybe cos i'm juz too excited about running up and hitting. cos i LOVE hitting!!! woot!!!

din do too well in hooking the ball. (have to practice) was kinda pushed back to play second row. haha... it's pain and gross but also fun! haha... sick thing - during scrum, i have to sqeeze my head in between the prop's legs and the hookers. haha.. mannan hooker. hairy, sweaty LEGS!!! haha.. ever watched "Along came Poly"?? ya.. u'll noe wad i mean.. hahaha.. ewwww.. =S

i feel bad about taking over hady's place. as in really bad cos i'm inexperienced in tt position and he really wants to play. yea.. sooo for tt, i'm gonna work very very very very very hard to play it! ya... really hope i can secure tt position. wanna play with the big guys. haha.. always enjoyed it since the 15s. i play blind with the forwards!!

lots and lots of thanks to hady and mannan for coaching me ya... especially hady. i know u deserve it. for tt, i'm gonna work very hard and learn from him. thanks dude!! gonna work hard as a team and push far! gonna show the school tt we're no losers ya. i am really encouraged after wad happened today. the forwards are really nice pple. hope to work with u guys in the game!

yea... tt's about all. haha... no more internet connection means less maple, less msn... ya... kinda suck but it's a major blessing in disguise! yea..

btw, have edited the previous entry. highlighted wad i feel tt's true about me.


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