Saturday, August 13, 2005

how an object oscillate with a given force

Just the other day, we had a lecture on oscillations and now, waves. ha... i remember tt lecture clearly when Mr Tan used how human relations can be compared to that of a frequency of an object...

friends, and yes of course, relationships. haha.. i remember how we were disturbing him about him and miss wu, talking about them having the same frequencies and all -_- haha.... but wad he said din realy made sense, haha.. having the same frequency means knowing tt person well? hmm... i guess soo... haha... his coffee example and all reminded me of achar! kira, ah wei remember?? achar! nasi brani?? haha...

but wad he said was quite true ya, when i'm with my friends, it depends on our frequency to gauge how much fun i'd be having haha... i do have fun with ALL my friends ya. haha... jus the other day going home with ah wei, zash, jane, ran and jac made me realise how much difference it could really be.

haha.. i really had fun tt day juz chatting, disturbing and playing a fool. i realise tt when i was with pple who understood me, the fun we had was like a lot! so much so tt not only are my friends having fun with me, but pple around too! haha.. i remember tt lady with us near the bus stop. she was like u noe, um chio (want to laugh, cannot laugh) haha.. i din notice it at first but after a while, i realised tt she was smiling at almost every joke i cracked with the rest haha.. guess i was the one doing the most talking la.. was hyper back then haha...

den when i went home with jac, i remember the MRT being packed and all. and we're jus chatting and having fun till the extent tt talking about the different religions and comparing them could also be quite fun and funny. ya... haha. we were going round catholic, islam and chritianity. haha... dunnoe if jac realised it but the pple around the MRT was definitely trying to laugh at some of the things we said. haha... even the one about "God has plans for us... etc etc." haha... all of u wont understand this part. ya... she might have forgotten about it too haha...

ya... things can be really fun when u're with ur frens who understands wad u're trying to bring across haha.. but how i wished tt i was frequencyless hahaha.. bet many of u do experience this and always try to fit in ya. haha... many of u i noe of hahaha... right? heh... m guilty too ya!! *waves* =D

but dun betray ur frens for the new ones ya. the old ones have helped u through a lot. some of u would noe wad i mean. ya... time to sleep!


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