Sunday, September 18, 2005

the many things i've learnt today

ISAIAH 13:13
Therefore I will make the heavens tremble;
and the earth will shake from its place
at the wrath of the Lord Almighty,
in the day of his burning anger.
this was the verse given to a pastor in kobe (not sure how it's spelt), Japan, before the kobe earthquake took place the next morning.
kobe, a place filled with gangsters; having one of the gang's headquarters there, a place filled with love hotels and protitutes, gambling, idol worshipping in places of worships and homes and the many sin in which the people of kobe committed. this was also where God showed His awesomeness.
the next morning, the earthquake shook destroying everything, the love hotels, casinos, temples, places of idol worship and guess what was left standing. hospitals, schools and churches.
God did a miracle and this amazed the people of kobe. everywhere was burning and on fire and a church in the middle - untouched. isn't God juz sooo almighty. he stirred the people there and brought revival to the nation - a great news for christians around the world when it was aired.
the mission pastor's house was untouched. only the clock droped. however his neighbours' houses collapsed, homes in which idol worship took place were destroyed.
wow... our God is an awesome God...
so anyway, tt's a story in which i have heard i do remember it on the news though. people were also talking about it.
ok, i really enjoyed my day though it flew by EXTREMELY FAST!!!! i am a happy person today. hahaha.. juz feel good.
had a long talk with janet and i learned a lot of things about seeking God. man... i juz wanna keep burning for God and tell the world that JESUS LIVES!
am real tired now... so gonna do some stuff and go to bed.. nitey!


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