Saturday, September 10, 2005

SC dinner!!

ok, before i start my 3 hour study marathon, i am gonna blog about my dinner last night haha..

ok. so here we are at the MRT station waiting for everyone else to arrive. =D

den us again at some turkish restaurant waiting for everyone else. at the same time, taking photos - as u can see. haha...

dinner was quite fun ya.. =)

the teachers who treated us all!! =D

i have no idea wad i was doing here.

LOOK AT MANNAN (right hand side) dunnoe wad he's doind. as if he wants to pick a fight with basitd. -_-"

so here we are playing pool haha...

this was suppose to be quite an obscene photo but ANYWAYS!
ya.. tt's me and zash. haha... shhh.. those who noe wad i was gonna do, DUN SAY!!! hahaha....
my old captain taught me tt.. hehe..


Blogger sexquisiteprincess♄ said...

heyy chimpanzeeeeee! its me again.
seems like im da onli 1 who "taggs" u.
just fyi.
da pics cANT be seen. haha.
im bored larhz.
gimme some credit here.

2:40 PM

Blogger gab said...

haha... y u dun tag in my tag board?? haha...
i know the pics cant be seen.. cant help it...

10:15 PM

Blogger sexquisiteprincess♄ said...

there's a tagboard?
i dont c it!
just MAYB.
thats y i don tag ur tagboard.
wad ya tink?
im bored.


8:51 PM


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