Tuesday, September 06, 2005

my wierd day..

haha.. actually it isn't a wierd day la.. probably it's juz because i had a call from clair haha.. maybe also cos i saw mr fung when we got off the bus? ha.. i din see him get up. haha....

ok. so i was at home contemplating on whether i should go to school or stay home... my math test starts at 12.30 and i left home...... 12.20. XD

ya, when i was at bukit batok, i recieved this call from clair. haha... like out of nowhere kind of thing. ha... it was quite a wierd conversation. i dun really noe wad to say, there'll be this wierd and short periods of total silence and i'd juz go "erm... ya, erm... so ya?" haha...

it's a natural thing that our brains only remembers the first and last thing we see or hear. so i remembered the start and end of the conversation. haha...

it's been only a day since she got my no. and she has already called me twice and both times she'll say "hello, u know..... who am i right?" somehow, each time she says that, i always think tt it's someone who wants to talk to me about enos.. -_- cos it sounds like 'u know'. haha.. i mean, not everyone starts with "hello, u know who am i?" we'd usually go " hello" and get straight to the point haha...

at last, it ended off with her asking me to give joash a hug!?!?!? hahahaha... so i was juz joking with her. i said, " so erm.. u want me to help u give him a hug?" haha...

throughout the conversation with her, u'd see my face going o.O -_- -__-" 0.0??? -o-

ok, like i said, i din see mr fung get up the bus, when he came down, i was like following behind him, planning to sneak up on him. but when it came to the traffic light he turned around!! aww... haha... so we walked up and he's like juz asking me why i needed to come to school and like what time lessons start. so i juz said "i'm 45mins late." so he's like having tt usual sarcastic smile on his face la... tt kind of grin... dunnoe how to describe man. haha.. "so wad are u having?" he asked. "math test" haha... (he's like wah!? in his head. cos he turned away and looked back.) hahaha.. den he said "u seem so calm..." =D hahaha..

ha.. may not seem funny here, cos like all of u noe, i'm bad at being articulate and describing things hahaha... but it was quite funny la...


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