Monday, September 19, 2005

Mrs Kuek... Mrs Kuek...

i thought it would be a good day to sign out cos mr chen aint around. tt crappy guy, let everyone else sign out so easily cept me!!! >.<

so i wanted to sign out today, and i went to mrs kuek who asked me to get back to her 40mins later, and when i got back to her, she wasn't around. man... tt kinda sucked... haha...

when i decided to juz drop by the general office to see wad i can do there, mr saw came out of the office and i'm like aww... shucks... cos i dun wan him to think i'm skipping his class.. had no intention to do tt on purpose. it juz so happened tt i want to come home earlier so tt i can sleep and play games so tt i will have time to do my work. haha..

i have to be honest. i'll touch my games almost everyday and so, i juz wanted to have more time at home. so ya, i touched my games already, juz tt i dun have my sleep now... played about 1 hr og games den ate my dinner and watch tv.. gonna start on my work soon...

really wanted more time to do my EoM and study chem. but i decided to study chem and sleep a lil now den wake up later to watch lost, den go back to sleep hahaha... i'll do EoM during my lesson tml or something. no time to do tonight already.. reached home 4 hours later than the time i planned to reach home if i signed out...

yea.. i am the wierdest time planner but i like doing it the way i plan it and i also will enjoy it doing the way i plan it and i really hope tt nothing would spoil it.

k la, this thing din really spoil my day la.. haha... i'll juz do lesser work lor, and i'll have no time to study hahahaha... =P lazy me ya! HAHA...

and i did not lie my way through for my excuses haha. they ARE valid lols. i really have sore throat and tummy ache juz tt they aint so serious la hahaha.. could have went home if aisha din make me laugh. hahaha... and if Mrs kuek was in the office... she told me to look for her and yet she wasnt in...

booo... cheat my feeling, play my heart. =PpPpPp

ok, for those taking ur exams or prelims or wad so ever important exams, do well ya! i'll be praying for u guys. =)

bb, off to study.


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