Thursday, September 22, 2005

now i've got a reason =P

hahaha... juz came back from the survey. haha.. am $80 richer!! =PpPpP neways, this money is gonna be used to pay my faith pledge =) haha.. so cool God bless me with a lot of money!! all to give to the missions hahaha. i found another $10 in my chem book. dunnoe where tt came from too la. hahaha...

anyway, i've got a reason for not turning up in school already!! haha.. i got eye infection which is quite uncomfortable.. am suffering man... oh my! did i spell pus as puss juz now!?!?!?!? oh my oh my oh my!!! better go check and change later...

so 2 things tt happened today which made my day a little less dull is tt i when i arrived, (i was like the last to arrive la cos i lost my way hahaha...) i saw ruth! hahahaha... the most shocking thing, my sit was next to hers hahahahaha.... sucha small world and coincidence. ha....

tt survey was quite cool la.. like a board of executives discussing about POSB's new look. u noe something better, a chic was sitting opposite me hahaha.. like those uni students always tell me: uni chic hahahaha.. she looks like sharon. but she's really pretty and friendly, hahaha.. studying pscology. her name's anna. hahaha...

thank God ruth was sitting next to me. haha.. so cool we had our own sits with our names haha... dunnoe how it'll be if ruth did not sit next to me..

argh my eye...

i enjoyed the discussion a lot.. like din really wan to come home cos i'm quite lonely... worse, my uncle and auntie is staying over for the night.. tt suck man... but ar... nvm la...

haiz.. have to rush with my work.. din really make full use of my day as usual. studied a lot but not really absorbed and all.. din get to finish the work i set out to do too... sad... MUZ push myself now so tt i can hand up my work tml...

wanna get through promos....

before i end, juz after i bought optrex for my eye, i met wee. haha.. we use to play wartran together. he's a grown man with a voice girls will say hot. he has this coarse bold voice which would naturally attract girls with his looks, build and status man. haha.. cool guy. everytime i see him, i'm burdened to bring him to church.. cept tt i dunnoe how!!! argh!! i let this chance slip away again!! muz bring him the next time round!

so ya.. nitez... pray for my eye too..


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