Saturday, October 22, 2005


juz finished watching this movie "how to deal".. nice show. yea...

ok, update later!! i need to go for edge!!! update when i reach home. =D

ok, back, that show starred mandy moore (who is sooooo pretty!! nvr noticed..) nice show... but i din really get the part of how the show links with the title. hmm.. probably it's about how she deals with her problems and love? yea.. guess so..
they did say something tt made sense though... "first love never ends..."
so wad do u think? i guess it only applies to those who's first love is someone whom they have really fallen for, not those puppy love type.
to me, i'm still confused at this point of time, all i know, is that i dun wan to hurt anyone else anymore... till i get over the past.
the past.. yea.. times, it juz replays itself, i know it's over but the feelings, it still lingers a little. it's better not to bother it. tt's how i feel. i guess it's gonna be a long process... it's kinda true that when i fall in love, it's kind of a long time..
hmmm... i know things will never be like the past. i know it's impossible and i am takng my time to totally put it aside.
and before i can do that, i guess, i juz have to ______ dunnoe wad to fill in. cant think of a word.
but ya, refrain. hmmm... am thinking a lot these days haha... think and draw. the 2 things i do a lot these days.
haha.. anyway! this song is the theme song for the show. haha.. nice classic song..


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